
We've collected some valuable videos for your viewing pleasure. These videos have been curated from the brands that we distribute, and offer helpful reviews, tips and information on your favorite products. Use our filter to focus in on videos for a particular product category. Check back to this page, as we are always updating content to deliver the latest industry videos.



CM Lodestar RRS

Introducing the 2-Ton Single-Reeved Lodestar - quite simply the world's best electric chain motor.

Length: 3:30

Category: Electric Chain Hoists

ET Motor Myths

Do you think you know everything about motors used in the entertainment industry? Join CM as they confirm or bust the myths with their Training Expert, Dave Carmack.

Length: 44:47

Category: Electric Chain Hoists

Hoist Chain Inspection

Learn all about hoist chain and how to properly inspect and maintain it.

Length: 42:31

Category: Electric Chain Hoists

Manual Hoist Inspection

Learn all about manual chain hoists and how to properly inspect and maintain them.

Length: 42:31

Category: Manual Chain Hoists

Safety In Lifting

This video covers inspection criteria and procedures for inspecting all slings.

Length: 6:14

Category: Fall Protection / Safety

Fall Protection For Tools

DBI-SALA® Python Safety™ makes work environments safer and more productive by drastically reducing falling object incidents resulting in personal injury, equipment damage, and tool loss.​​​​​

Length: 1:23

Category: Fall Protection / Safety

Rollgliss R550

The Rollgliss™ R550, fall rescue and descent system, provides safe, secure and efficient automatic rescue and descent for cell phone towers, aerial lifts, cranes, wind towers, buildings and more.​

Length: 4:02

Category: Fall Protection / Safety

Fall Protection Training

This is Chapter One in an 11-part series of fall protection training videos. These videos will give you a fundamental awareness of fall prevention tips - what you absolutely need to think about before you can work safely at height.

Length: 4:02

Category: Fall Protection / Safety